Monday, August 24, 2009

Before I get into how late it's been since the last post I made and what's taken me so long to make one...

I'd like to thank a good friend of mine, Corey Bursey, for making a donation, via donation link on the top of the page. As it was the first donation I've received, and it will certainly help with the vast amount of traveling expenses in the forthcoming months.

So, my plans were changed from going to the Northern Peninsula, to heading east bound to the capital, St.Johns. I figured getting most of this area covered before the winter hits would be a pretty big bonus. As traveling on the highway during the winter isn't the most comforting thing to think about, especially when I'm going to be doing this on my own, and especially considering the harsh winters Newfoundland is subject to. There are also close to 20 communities I have on the list to visit and they're all fairly spread apart, a lot of which are islands.

The hold up was with the vehicle I was driving, and the never ending complexities of extended warranties. It was finally straightened out on friday (21st) and I scrambled to get all my things together in order to leave. It was then that i remembered that my feet had been wet 90% of the time that I spent in the community of Petites. So off I went in search for waterproof hiking boots, only to discover that I couldn't get the size I needed anywhere on the West coast. This made the change in travel plans an even greater necessity.

In addition to car trouble and lack of suitable footwear, I really wanted to have a new business card to take with me to St.Johns. I decided that the project I am working on needed a card of it's own - something to represent the project itself. Sacrificing sleep, I stayed up till almost 4am designing and printing the cards you see in the picture above.

Each card has a different design on the front in terms of the gritty black ink pattern, while the back contains my contact info. Having only enough time to do 11 unique versions I plan on expanding the variations of the front design a little more once I return. As for when I will return-- I am not 100% sure.


I'd also like to thank the people at Corner Brook Autopro for fixing the vehicle, and fitting me in on such short notice.


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