Thursday, September 10, 2009

Father and Son

My father arrived this week to visit the family. He works up north and he doesn't get much time to come home. In-fact he only gets to come home 3 times a year.

His plan was to drive out to St.John's and see me. However,I figured I would surprise him by driving out to see him instead.
Seeing as it's such a long drive, and the fact he doesn't have much time back, it just made sense to me.

I'm also quite happy to announce that I have received another very generous donation from a close friend of mine Nicole White. Thank you very much Nicole :) This will go a long way with all the expenses that are popping up with this project.

Speaking of expenses, my laptop fan decided to say "I quit" this week. So some money from the donation's have paid for the cost in replacing the fan. Without my laptop I wouldn't be able to edit the photos I take or make posts to the blog. So again, a big thanks to the donors.

More to come.


**The picture above is of my Dad and I. It was taken about 15 years ago in the office my dad worked in at the time. We made silly faces in the photo copy machine. Although i still think the face he's making is a little on the scary side.**

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Finally I picked up my hiking boots, along with a respirator capable of filtering out asbestos, mold, and various other things that would eventually cripple me or worse in the long run.

I tracked down a real estate agent today to see if I could possibly get access into an abandoned theater. The theater was or is (I can't recall) sold to a developer that is turning the building into condos. I have to meet with him tomorrow, he said there isn't much left inside that resembles the original theater, as it was used by CBC for storage/office space in the past.

I have at least 10 other places in the area to visit before I head out of the city, so I'll be trying to cover that for the next week.

stay tuned.
